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  • Writer's pictureMelissa Keen

I Got My Gait Analysed for Running Shoes - Here's What Happened...

Hey! I have such a love/hate relationship with running. Some weeks, I absolutely can't wait to get out there and enjoy the fresh air. Other days, I can't imagine anything worse!

One thing I have noticed on my runs, though, is that I don't have the right equipment, so to speak. While I have some great gym shoes, I have never taken running seriously enough to invest in some proper RUNNING trainers. So this year, I decided to get my gait analysed!

What is Gait Analysis?

Gait analysis is a process used to assess the way a person walks or runs, known as their gait. It involves observing and analysing various aspects of movement patterns, such as foot strike, stride length, pronation (the inward rolling of the foot), supination (the outward rolling of the foot), and overall body alignment.

There are different methods of conducting gait analysis, ranging from simple visual observation to more sophisticated techniques (that a serious runner would use) involving specialised equipment like pressure sensors, treadmills, and high-speed cameras. The goal is to gather data that can help identify any abnormalities or inefficiencies in your gait, which could lead to injury.

Gait analysis is often used in sports medicine and physical therapy to diagnose and treat injuries related to walking or running. It can also be beneficial for athletes looking to improve their performance or prevent future injuries by selecting the most suitable footwear or orthotics based on their biomechanical characteristics.

All runners should have their gait analysed if they want to take up running. It's a high-impact sport, meaning injuries are common - having the right shoes can help prevent that!

How Do I Get My Gait Analysed?

There are specific shops that do gait analysis. Sometimes you have to pay extra, but a lot of them will offer the gait analysis for free if you then purchase the shoes.

BE WARNED - professional running shoes are pricey! That's because there's a lot of science that goes behind the creation. They're not just a fashion statement and the craftmanship and high-quality materials that goes into making them will be reflected in the price.

The Process

The process started with a friendly chat with the store's staff. They asked me about my running habits, any past injuries, and my goals.

Next up was the actual gait analysis. I was asked to run briefly at a comfortable speed while they took photos of my feet from behind. This is absolutely nothing to panic about! I know some people will blanch at the idea of running in front of people. But they're not trying ti knacker you out, or see how fast you can run - it's literally just so they can see your overall running stance. I didn't even break a sweat, and I'm not exactly a gym buff!

My gait was then analysed by looking at the photos of me running in slow motion. We could see immediately some inbalance (which has resulted in a scarred tendon previously).

After the analysis was complete and they had determined what my gait was, they were able to recommend shoes that cater to my specific needs. I tried on around 5 pairs, all with differing bounciness. The shoes I tried on were also soft on the back (due to my previous tendon issues).

Eventually, I settled on a pair that were extremely cushioned. Unfortunately, they were the most expensive pair - typical!

While I've been allowing my tendon to heal, I haven't done any proper running yet, but I've worn them in on longer walks and I must say, they are EXTREMELY comfortable. I'm looking forward to giving them a proper test drive! Melissa x

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